Obtain Accurate Information from Applicants & Program Participants
Compliance with HUD regulations isn't just about filling out forms. It begins with gathering accurate information during the interview process. This “live” online micro-course will provide participants with the techniques needed to conduct a well-executed interview. In addition, participants will learn skills that are essential in improving the quality of information received during the intake process and in obtaining the information needed to reduce errors and prevent fraud. Participants will also receive a 30-page interview script and a zero-income interview guide. These scripts can be used as guides for new interviewers and as resources for wording complicated and awkward questions to avoid the perception of discrimination.
Topics discussed:
- Keys to Successful Interviews
- Types of Interviews
- Guidelines for Interviewing
- How to use Questions as Interview Tools
- Interviewing Pitfalls
- Fair Housing Considerations
This class is great for: Public Housing and Section 8 Supervisors, Occupancy and Admissions Staff for HUD-funded programs, USDA rural rental programs, Low-Income Tax Credit programs, FSS Case Workers, and Resident Services Staff
Duration: 1 hour and 51 minutes
SKU: 220907